Mathematical Biology Seminar
Damon Toth, Math Department, University of Utah
Wednesday March 25, 2009
3:05pm LCB 215 Investigating causes of seasonality of
infectious diseases
It has long been known that outbreaks of infectious diseases tend to
occur according to seasonal patterns. Surprisingly, the mechanisms
that drive seasonality remain poorly understood to this day, even for
well-studied diseases such as influenza. Mathematical modelers have
attempted to shed light on possible mechanisms that drive different
forms of periodicity observed in disease incidence, using differential
or difference equation models with a periodically varying transmission
parameter. I will discuss how ideas from the field of dynamical
systems, such as parametric resonance and bifurcation theory, can help
explain why different outbreak patterns are observed for different
diseases or in different parts of the world. I will present my
application of these mathematical techniques to a model of respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV), a widespread disease that can have severe
consequences for small children and that exhibits extreme seasonality
in locations around the world, including in Utah.