Mathematical Biology Seminar
John Dold
University of Manchester
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
"bushfires and some models of bushfires"
The Bush is synonymous with Countryside in much of the Anglophone
world, especially in the southern hemisphere. Australia can rightly
claim the most fire-prone environment in the world and "bushfires"
there are a major problem, as they can be anywhere when they get out
of hand. They have been studied experimentally leading to some
interesting questions about their propagation and behaviour under
reasonably controllable conditions. In other cases, they can still
defy all reasonable predictions. The seminar will describe some of
the behaviour of bushfires and the ways in which they can be
modelled. It will also touch on some of the more extreme phenomena
that can arise, including sometimes disputed descriptions of
survivors, and it will offer some conjectures about the underlying