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Because of the rather large number of input options, the following cross-reference is provided: Axis control-- DUSUB, DVSUB, DXSUB, DYSUB, DZSUB, LOGX, LOGY, LOGZ, MODEU, MODEV, MODEX, MODEY, MODEZ, NUSUB, NVSUB, NXSUB, NYSUB, NZSUB, TICKU, TICKV, TICKX, TICKY, TICKZ, UAXIS, UMIN, UMAX, UVAXES,VAXIS, VMIN, VMAX, XAXIS, XFALLS, XMIN, XMAX, YFALLS, YMIN, YMAX, ZAXIS, ZFALLS, ZMIN, ZMAX Clipping control-- BCLIP, FCLIP, WCLIP Curve display transformations-- AVRAGE(*), DERIV(*), INTGRT(*) Curve styles-- LSTYLE(*), LWIDTH(*), PEN(*) Data point transformations-- XFACT(*), YFACT(*), ZFACT(*), XSHIFT(*), YSHIFT(*), ZSHIFT(*) Graph size and aspect ratio-- FSCALE, GSCALE, HSCALE, MARGIN(*), PAGEX, PAGEY, VSCALE Interpolation-- CHKDUP, NUMINT(*), SIGMA(*) Labelling-- IDFONT, PENDIA, title lines Listing control-- LSTXYZ Markers-- MARK(*), NU(*), MSCALE Number of curves-- KX, KY, KZ Raw data points-- X(*,*), Y(*,*), Z(*,*), N(*) Viewing control-- BCLIP, FCLIP, WCLIP, UMIN, UMAX, VMIN, VMAX, RIGHT, PARLEL, PERDST, PPXYZ(*), RPXYZ(*), UPXYZ(*), VIEWD, VNXYZ(*), TMODEL(*,*), TIMAGE(*,*)