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TEKTRONIX-4105-AND-CHROMATICS-4200 [19-Dec-83]; [16-May-84]

 Note: the December version of this  review was sent to both  Chromatics
 and Tektronix.  In  April, Chromatics  kindly sent me  a long  response
 with  corrections,  comments,  and  announcements  of  several  of  the
 features that I  had previously noted  were lacking.  Regrettably,  the
 alphanumeric buffer size problem has apparently not yet been  resolved.

 I was fortunate  in having  the daily  use for  about four  weeks of  a
 Tektronix 4105  (480 x  360 resolution)  color graphics  terminal,  and
 while I  had it,  a four  day  test of  a Chromatics  4200 (512  x  512
 resolution)  color  graphics  terminal.   In  the  spring  of  1983,  a
 significant price barrier was broken  by the announcement of these  two
 terminals at a list  price of $3995 in  unit quantities.  In  September
 1983, Intecolor announced a color graphics terminal at the same  price,
 but with 1024 x 768 resolution.  A  year ago, a color terminal of  this
 resolution was not available for less than about $10,000.

 The manuals for both  the Chromatics and  Tektronix terminals are  over
 100 pages long, so  it will not  be possible to  describe all of  their
 features.  I will try here to compare their capabilities.

 Feature         |   Chromatics 4200             Tektronix 4105
 Price:              $3995                       $3995

 Resolution:         512H x 512V                 480H x 360V
                     (512H x 384V                80 chars x 40 lines
                     85 chars x 48 lines

 Screen:             60Hz non-interlaced         60Hz non-interlaced
                     (30 Hz interlaced at
                     1024 x 1024 resolution
                     in 4300 model)

 Memory planes:      4                           3

 Alpha terminal      Chromatics 7900,            VT52, VT100 (only 80
 emulation:          ADM3, Tektronix             columns visible, 132
 (see notes          4014 (standard              handled but must be
 below)              on Version 2.00 or          panned), Tektronix 4100
                     later)                      series

 Baud rates:         110 .. 19200                 110 .. 38400

 Dialog area         2,4,8,16                    8
 colors:             (minus graphics area)

 Graphics area       2,4,8,16                    8
 colors:             (minus dialog area)

 Display list:       50K bytes                   None

 Turn off display    Yes                         No
 while drawing:

 Color model:        RGB                         HLS

 Color lookup        optional 8 or 16 entry      standard 8 entry
 table:              with 16 more for blink;     in each of dialog and
                     16 from palette of 4096     graphics area; superb
                     soon standard               local modification

 Color plane         Yes                         No

 Color plane         Yes                         No

 Light pen:          Yes                         No

 Alpha cursors:      2 + 128 user-definable      1

 Graphics cursors:   3 + 128 user-definable      1

 Drawing primitives: move, line, polyline,       move, line, polyline,
                     ray, arc, circle,           marker, polymarker,
                     point, triangle,            polygon
                     polygon, incremental
                     X bar, incremental Y
                     bar, 4-point Bezier

 Polygon fill        8 or 16 solid, 256          149 pre-defined 32 x 32
 patterns:           character fill (user        patterns including
                     definable).                 solid and brick and
                                                 stone walls!

 Polygon edge        Yes                         Edge may be included
 filled:                                         or excluded

 Polygon fill        Yes, to both edge and       No
 after plotting:     area color

 Line styles:        65536 pre-defined           8 pre-defined

 Line widths:        1 .. 65536 pixels with      No
                     round endpoints!

 Markers:            None (but could easily      10 (including the 5
                     display with user-          required by the CORE
                     definable fonts)            proposal)

 Window, Viewport,   Yes                         Yes
 Scale, Clip:

 User-definable      vector (16 x 16), raster    None
 fonts:              (up to 256 x 256), cursor
                     (up to 256 x 256), fill
                     pattern (up to 256 x 256)

 Command formats:    Verbose and binary (16      Verbose and binary (8
                     bits per number)            to 24 bits per number)
                     (Binary needs only 7-bit    (Binary needs only
                     ASCII codes)                7-bit ASCII codes)

 Local option        Minimal                     Outstanding, including
 setup:                                          help!

 Error diagnostics   None                        Yes!
 for invalid

 Display all         Yes                         Yes
 characters mode
 for debugging:

 User-definable      All keys!                   All keys!
 keys:               (except control             (except control
                     and shift)                  and shift)

 Raster image        No                          Available Jan 1984
 downloading:                                    (run length encoding)

 Raster copy within  Rectangular regions         Available Jan 1984
 bitmap:             with Replace and OR         Rectangular regions
                     of source and target        only with replacement

 Tone generator:     3 voice, 1 .. 9300 msec     None
                     123 .. 5000 Hz

 Pan:                Horizontally and            None
                     vertically; cyclic in

 Zoom:               1 .. 16 about cursor        None

 Blink:              Yes, by color and plane;    Only entire display
                     frequency user controllable


 Documentation  for  the  Tektronix  4105  consists  of  three  typeset,
 indexed, and complete manuals which include alphabetical setup and host
 command tables.  The Tektronix has performed flawlessly for the  entire
 test period, and I have not found  a single feature which did not  work
 as advertised.

 In VT100 (ANSI 3.64) mode with the EMACS text editor, it initially lost
 data at  9600  baud,  because  EMACS  uses  CTL-S  and  CTL-Q,  so  the
 flow-control protocol  which uses  these  characters must  be  disable.
 Although it  is  possible  to  tell EMACS  to  avoid  using  these  two
 characters, I am so  used to using them  for their usual string  search
 and quote  functions  that  any other  assi