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Table of contents


 Plot facilities  on  the  College  of  Science  DECSYSTEM-20  currently
 consist of the following:

 1) One very large and powerful software system, called <PLOT79>.

 2) Simple access (with NO software changes) to the following plotters:

   * ADM3A+ CRT
   * Apple LaserWriter laser printer
   * BBN BitGraph CRT
   * C-Itoh Prowriter dot matrix printer
   * Canon LBP-8 A2 laser printer
   * CalComp 9xx plotters (using CalComp calls -- see below)
   * CalComp Sanders Model 84 pen plotter
   * Chromatics 4x00 series color CRT
   * DEC VT240 CRT
   * Epson MX-80 dot matrix printer
   * Form & Substance Microangelo CRT
   * Hewlett-Packard 2468A CRT
   * Hewlett-Packard 2686A Laser Jet laser printer
   * Hewlett-Packard HPGL pen plotters
   * Hewlett-Packard LaserJet laser printer
   * Houston Instruments DMP-L pen plotter
   * Houston Instruments HIPLOT pen plotter
   * Imagen 8/300 laser printer
   * Imlac PDS-1D refresh-type CRT
   * Intecolor VHR-19 color CRT
   * KMW Vector Processor
   * METAFILE generic plot file
   * MPI Sprinter dot matrix printer
   * PCP LaserImage 2000 laser printer
   * Printronix 300/600 line printer
   * Ramtek 6211 color CRT
   * SERVOGOR pen plotter
   * Tektronix 4010 storage-tube CRT and alphanumeric 4010-compatible
   * Tektronix 4010-compatible pen plotter
   * Tektronix 4014 storage-tube CRT
   * Tektronix 4025 dot-matrix CRT
   * Tektronix 4105-compatible color CRT
   * Tektronix 4662/4663 pen plotters
   * Toshiba P1351 dot matrix printer
   * UUCC's CalComp plotter

 The METAFILE  device is  not  a plotter,  but  rather a  host  computer
 independent and plot device independent standard graphics file.  It  is
 suitable for exchange of plots between different installations, as well
 as for archiving of plots.


 Existing software which contains calls  to any of the standard  CalComp
 SYMBOL, and WHERE can use any of the device libraries provided that the
 CalComp-to-PLOT79 interface is loaded FIRST:

 @LOAD myprog.for,@PLT:CALP79,@PLT:lib.CMD
 @CSAVE myprog


 The  software  system  is  maintained  in  several  directories.    The
 important ones are as follows:

 PLT: - System directory containing working libraries and command files.

 APS:<BEEBE.PLOT79> - Master directory containing test libraries and
                      command files.

 APS:<BEEBE.PLOT79.CORE> - CORE graphics routines.

 APS:<BEEBE.PLOT79.DEMO> - assorted demonstration programs.

 APS:<BEEBE.PLOT79.ONE> - PLOT79 routines.

 APS:<BEEBE.PLOT79.UTILITY> - Assorted utility routines.

 These directories have  public read  access, and users  are welcome  to
 inspect them to  see how  the system is  typically used.   There are  a
 number   of    demonstration   main    programs,   named    DEMxx    in
 APS:<BEEBE.PLOT79.DEMO>, and copies of their output plots may be  found
 in the manual "<PLOT79> Demonstration Programs, Vols. 1 and 2".

 The  libraries  on  APS:<BEEBE.PLOT79>  are  TEST  libraries,  and   no
 guarantee is  extended  that the  routines  that they  contain  are  in
 working order.  Users should normally reference the PLT: directory  for
 libraries which will be supported to work as advertised.

 Extensive documentation for  <PLOT79> may  be found in  the manuals  "A
 User's Guide to <PLOT79>" and "<PLOT79> Demonstration Programs, Vols. 1
 and 2".


 For simple line drawings, an  executable main program, GRAPH, has  been
 placed on  the system.   Versions are  available for  the various  plot
 devices currently supported and  are described in  HELP file on  GRAPH,
 and in more detail in  the UHELP file (do  @UHELP GRAPH).  GRAPH has  a
 large number of options, all  of which take reasonable default  values.
 In the  simplest case,  all  that it  requires  is a  set  of X  and  Y
 coordinates, the number of  data points, two axis  labels, and a  graph
 title.  Features such as Greek letters, high-quality fonts, logarithmic
 axes, data scaling and  interpolation, scatter diagrams, line  dashing,
 variable  markers,   integration,   differentiation,   averaging,   and
 histogramming are among those supported.

 There is an experimental  3-D version of GRAPH,  which is described  in
 the HELP file GRAPH3.


 A powerful  and  easy-to-use pie  chart  facility is  available  (@HELP


 To facilitate automatic loading from the libraries, command files  have
 been established in PLT: for  each of the devices currently  supported.
 They may be used as follows.

 @LOAD myprog.for,@PLT:libname
 @CSAVE myprog
 @myprog filespecs

 where "libname" is one of the entries in the following table:

 =======        =======================================================
 Library        Display Device
 =======        =======================================================
 CALP79         CalComp plot system interface to PLOT79
 DMP42          Houston Instrument DMP-42 single-pen D-size vector
 PT1LIB         Tektronix-4010 storage tube and various graphics
                retrofit terminals
 PT2LIB         DEC VT240 interface
 PT3LIB         Tektronix 4663 flat bed 2-pen vector plotter
 PT4LIB         Tektronix-4014 storage tube and various graphics
                retrofit terminals
 PT5LIB         Tektronix-4025 bit-mapped CRT display
 PT7LIB         HP 7270 2-pen plotter
 PTALIB         ADM-3A+ graphics terminal
 PTBLIB         BBN BitGraph high-resolution bit-mapped terminal
 PTCLIB         UUCC  CalComp-90x  high-resolution  4-pen  drum   vector
                plotter.  Once the  plot file has  been constructed,  it
                must be copied  to magnetic  tape in  a special  format.
                This will  normally be  coordinated through  the  DEC-20
                operators.  A  HELP  file called  PLTAPE  describes  the
                necessary procedures.
 PTDLIB         Houston Instrument DMP-L 8-pen flat-bed vector plotter
 PTELIB         Epson MX-80 dot-matrix graphics printer
 PTFLIB         Form & Substance Microangelo bit-mapped CRT display
 PTGLIB         DEC GIGI and VT240 interface
 PTHLIB         Houston Instrument HIPLOT incremental flat bed
                single-pen plotter
 PTJLIB         Chromatics 4x00 CRT display
 PTKLIB         Imagen 8/300 laser printer Impress vector graphics
 PTLLIB         DEC Letterprinter 100 dot-matrix graphics printer (code
                sharing with Printronix Library)
 PTMLIB         CORE METAFILE virtual graphics device
 PTNLIB         PCP LaserImage 2000 laser printer (tiny HPGL subset)
 PTQLIB         MPI Sprinter dot-matrix graphics printer (code sharing
                with Printronix Library)
 PTRLIB         Ramtek-6211 color bit-mapped graphics display
 PTSLIB         CalComp-Sanders Model 84 8-pen flat-bed vector plotter
 PTTLIB         Toshiba P-1351 dot-matrix graphics printer
 PTULIB         Canon LBP-8 A2 laser printer
 PTVLIB         Intecolor VHR19 color terminal
 PTWLIB         C-Itoh Prowriter dot-matrix graphics printer
 PTXLIB         Printronix-300/600 dot-matrix graphics printer
 PTYLIB         Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet laser printer
 PTZLIB         Apple LaserWriter laser printer
 =======        =======================================================

 The listing and  plot files  constructed by PTXLIB  for the  Printronix
 printers can be printed  directly by using the  PRINT command (for  the
 Physics Printronix  600),  or  the  P300  utility  (for  the  Chemistry
 Printronix 300):

 @PRINT myprog.plt,myprog.lst/file:fortran

 *Print file = myprog.plt
 *Print  file = myprog.lst
 *Print file  = ^Z

 Attempts to print them on non-Printronix equipment will generate  about
 20 pages of garbage!

 Main programs should include as  the first executable statement a  call
 of the form

       CALL SYSDEC (inputunitnumber,printunitnumber)

 These will normally be  5 and 6.   Unit 6 is used  by <PLOT79> for  its
 output, and unit 99 for the plot.  If SYSDEC is not called, the printed
 output will  appear  on  the  file  associated  with  unit  6  (usually
 FOR06.DAT) and the plot on the  file corresponding to unit 99  (usually
 FOR99.DAT).  On some  devices, such  as the UUCC  CalComp plotter,  the
 METAFILE device,  and  the  Printronix  300 line  printer,  it  may  be
 IMPERATIVE to use SYSDEC, in order  to have the plot file created  with
 the correct format.

 The file names to  be used may  be supplied on the  command line, in  a
 command file, or in response to  prompts to the terminal or batch  job,
 as described in the HELP file on FORTIO.


 SLIDES is  a program  which can  be used  to prepare  simple  annotated
 drawings and slides interactively or in batch without having to write a
 program to  do it.   It also  has  the ability  to include  plot  files
 produced  by  other  programs  (see  TEKTRONIX-VECTOR-FILES  and  @HELP
 TKVECS) anywhere on the  plot.  This makes it  possible to add  fancier
 labelling and legends to plots which  otherwise do not have them.   See
 @HELP SLIDES and @UHELP SLIDES for more information.


 All of the  CRT devices, and  most of  the pen plotters,  use a  common
 terminal I/O facility called  TKIO.  The entry  points in this  package
 are not relevant to users, but three features are noteworthy.

 First, the plot will be directed to a file defined by the logical  name
 PLOTFILE: (or CRT:); usually this will be TTY:, but may be a disk file.
 If the logical name HARDCOPY: is defined to point to a file, a copy  of
 the PLOTFILE: (or CRT:) output will go to it as well.  E.g.


 Second,  storage  tubes  (Tektronix  401x  terminals)  require  padding
 characters (NUL's) after screen clear and move commands; most others do
 not.  If you know that you are not plotting on a storage tube terminal,
 you can request that  the padding characters  be discarded by  defining
 the logical names PLOTFILE_NUL: (or CRT_NUL:) and HARDCOPY_NUL:.   This
 makes the  plot files  smaller and  decreases the  plotting time.   The
 definition of these logical names is not used, just the fact that  they
 are defined or not; thus you can do


 Third, unless you are  doing interactive input while  a graph is  being
 drawn, the immediate  output of plot  commands can be  changed to  more
 efficient buffered output by  defining the logical names  PLOTFILE_BUF:
 (or CRT_BUF:) and HARDCOPY_BUF:, as for example


 Buffering is always automatically selected for these files if they  are
 directed to a non-terminal device.


 A plot file conversion program exists for converting Tektronix 4010 and
 4014 vector files to plot files  for other devices (@HELP TKTOPX),  and
 to a human (and machine) readable vector file (@HELP TKVECS).  The file
 produced by TKVECS can  used by the PLOTFILE  command in SLIDES  (@HELP