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SUBROUTINE CLP2D (U1,V1,MOVED1, U2,V2,MOVED2, VISSEG) C$ (2-Dimensional Unit Square Clip) C$ Clip a line segment defined by its endpoints in C$ 2-dimensional curvilinear coordinates to the unit square. C$ The arguments are: C$ C$ (U1,V1)........Curvilinear coordinates of point 1. C$ MOVED1.........LOGICAL value set .TRUE. if point 1 is moved. C$ (U2,V2)........Curvilinear coordinates of point 2. C$ MOVED2.........LOGICAL value set .TRUE. if point 2 is moved. C$ VISSEG.........LOGICAL value set .TRUE. if the segment is C$ visible. If VISSEG=.FALSE., then the values C$ of all preceding parameters may be C$ undefined. C$ C$ This routine is adapted from the general polyhedral clip C$ routine, CLPPH (written by John Halleck of the University C$ of Utah Computing Center), for the special case of 2-D C$ curvilinear coordinates on the unit square, for which the C$ inward-pointing edge normals are (1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), C$ (-1,0,0,1),and (0,-1,0,1). C$ (07-JAN-82)