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SUBROUTINE CLPSH2 (NEDGE, NORMAL, PIPE, XOLD, INCX, YOLD, INCY, X NOLD, XNEW, YNEW, NNEW, MAXNEW) C$ (2-D Sutherland-Hodgman Polygon Clip to General Polygon) C$ Clip a 2-D polygon to the visible part of a general polygon C$ defined by normal vectors from each of its edges. The C$ output of the clip is a new polygon. The arguments are: C$ C$ NEDGE..........Number of clipping edges. The dimensional C$ dependencies are NORMAL(3,NEDGE), and C$ PIPE(9,NEDGE). C$ NORMAL(*,*)....REAL array of normals (A,B,C) defining C$ equations of clipping edges Ax + By + C = 0. C$ The normals point to the visible side of the C$ edges. NORMAL(*,K) is the normal for edge C$ k. C$ PIPE(*,*)......REAL working array with 9*NEDGE entries. C$ XOLD(*)........REAL array of x coordinates of polygon C$ vertices. C$ INCX...........Increment between successive coordinates in C$ XOLD(*) (normally 1). C$ YOLD(*)........REAL array of y coordinates of polygon C$ vertices. C$ INCY...........Increment between successive coordinates in C$ YOLD(*) (normally 1). C$ NOLD...........Number of polygon vertices. Vertex NOLD is C$ implicitly connected to vertex 1 to close C$ the polygon. C$ C$ The output arguments are: C$ C$ XNEW(*)........x coordinates of clipped polygon vertices. C$ YNEW(*)........y coordinates of clipped polygon vertices. C$ NNEW...........Number of clipped polygon vertices. Vertex C$ NNEW is implicitly connected to vertex 1 to C$ close the polygon. NNEW will usually be C$ less than NOLD, but it may be as large as C$ (3*NOLD+1)/2. This case arises when C$ adjacent vertices lie on opposite sides of C$ the clipping edge, with NOLD/2 visible and C$ (NOLD+1)/2 hidden; each hidden vertex C$ contributes two new vertices on the clipping C$ edge, giving a total of NOLD+1 new vertices, C$ which added to the NOLD/2 old ones is C$ (3*NOLD+1)/2. C$ MAXNEW.........Maximum number of vertex entries available C$ in XNEW(*) and YNEW(*). NNEW is not C$ permitted to exceed this value, and C$ additional vertices simply overwrite the C$ last one. C$ C$ If an increment INCX or INCY is negative, the starting C$ vertex is taken as (1-NOLD)*INC + 1 instead of 1, so that C$ the array is stepped through in reverse order. C$ C$ The algorithm is based on the reentrant polygon clipper C$ originally proposed by I.E. Sutherland and G.W. Hodgman, C$ "Reentrant Polygon Clipping", Comm. ACM 17, 32-42 (1974). C$ C$ The effect of this routine can be equivalently be obtained C$ by calling the single edge clipper, CLPPL2, repeatedly for C$ each successive clipping edge. This would require C$ intermediate storage for at least 2 extra polygons if the C$ input polygon is to be preserved. The advantage of the C$ Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm is that as soon as a line C$ segment is output from the clipping against one edge, it is C$ immediately passed on for clipping against the next edge. C$ Intermediate storage is therefore limited to three vertices C$ (the line segment endpoints and the saved initial vertex C$ required to close the polygon) at each clipping stage, plus C$ two dot products, and two flags which are easily stored in C$ a single word. Thus for 2-D points, 9 working locations C$ are required for each clipping edge. The dot product C$ storage could be eliminated at the expense of additional C$ calculation, but is hardly excessive considering that few C$ applications require more than 6 clipping edges. C$ C$ The algorithm is essentially a series of clippers running C$ in parallel and communicating with their neighbors via a C$ pipeline (in Unix terminology). The output of one is the C$ input to the next, and if the next stage consumes its input C$ fast enough, its input buffer need never hold more than two C$ vertices. This would be straightforward to implement in a C$ language supporting coroutines, but since FORTRAN does not C$ have this facility, we must program it explicitly. C$ Obviously, if the clippers were actually operating in C$ independently and in parallel (apart from occasional C$ waiting on input), the pipeline buffers would have to be C$ large enough to hold a complete polygon in the worst case. C$ The trick (and the complication) is to superimpose a C$ controller which prevents any one process from outputting C$ more than 2 vertices to its neighbor process. C$ C$ The controller is implemented as a loop with initialize, C$ process, and terminate steps, where each cycle through the C$ loop gives control to just one clipping process. C$ Initialization is just the trivial copying of input from C$ the pipeline into local variables. The process step is C$ also simple; it clips the current line segment against the C$ current clipping edge and outputs 0 or 1 points to the next C$ stage, consuming exactly one vertex from its input buffer C$ to do so. The difficult part is the termination stage C$ which acts as the pipeline controller to select the next C$ stage, and the comments in the procedure below describe the C$ steps which must be taken to do this. C$ (18-DEC-82)