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SUBROUTINE CONSX (Z1,ZE,Z2, MX,MY, NX,NY, NUY, PL2) C$ (X-Shading) C$ Mark off the region of a plane in which an array stored C$ function lies within a selected interval. Horizontal lines C$ are drawn whose position corresponds to the array points, C$ and whose extent is determined by linear interpolation. C$ With a plot step size of 0.01 inch, there are 650 plot C$ steps in the Y direction in a standard plot frame. The C$ arguments are: C$ C$ (MX,MY) Actual declared dimensions of ZE(*,*) C$ ZE(NX,NY) Data array C$ (Z1,Z2) Interval to be marked C$ NUY Number of shading strokes in Y direction C$ PL2 2-D pen movement subroutine, perhaps PL2CA C$ C$ (30-JAN-82)