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SUBROUTINE CONYS (Z1,ZE,Z2, MX,MY, NX,NY, NZ, NUX, PL2) C$ (Shade Alternate Contours in Y Direction) C$ This routine produces a contour plot in which shading is C$ drawn between alternate pairs of contour lines. By C$ appropriate choices of color or density of shading, quite C$ pleasing results may be obtained. Shaded contours often C$ prove suitable for use in transparencies to be shown before C$ an audience because of the increased visibility compared to C$ ordinary contour lines. The arguments are: C$ C$ (MX,MY) Actual declared dimensions of Z(*,*) C$ ZE(NX,NY) Data array C$ (Z1,Z2) Interval to be marked C$ NZ Number of contours (.GE. 2) C$ NUX Number of shading strokes in X direction C$ PL2 2-D pen movement subroutine, perhaps PL2CA C$ C$ (30-JAN-82)