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SUBROUTINE ERRAI (NAME,NARG,VALUE,N) C$ (Error - Argument Integer) C$ Print an invalid argument: C$ NAME..........6-character argument name. C$ NARG..........Argument number. If NARG .LE. 0, the value C$ passed is not an argument, but a variable, C$ and the argument number will not be printed. C$ VALUE(N)......INTEGER argument array. C$ N.............Dimension of VALUE(*). C$ (11-SEP-85)
SUBROUTINE ERRAL (NAME,NARG,VALUE,N) C$ (Error - Argument LOGICAL) C$ Print an invalid argument: C$ NAME..........6-character argument name. C$ NARG..........Argument number. If NARG .LE. 0, the value C$ passed is not an argument, but a variable, C$ and the argument number will not be printed. C$ VALUE(N)......LOGICAL argument array. C$ N.............Dimension of VALUE(*). C$ (11-SEP-85)
SUBROUTINE ERRAR (NAME,NARG,VALUE,N) C$ (Error - Argument REAL) C$ Print an invalid argument: C$ NAME..........6-character argument name. C$ NARG..........Argument number. If NARG .LE. 0, the value C$ passed is not an argument, but a variable, C$ and the argument number will not be printed. C$ VALUE(N)......REAL argument array. C$ N.............Dimension of VALUE(*). C$ (11-SEP-85)
SUBROUTINE ERRAS (NAME,NARG,VALUE) C$ (Error - Argument SUBROUTINE) C$ Print an invalid argument: C$ NAME..........6-character argument name. C$ NARG..........Argument number. If NARG .LE. 0, the value C$ passed is not an argument, but a variable, C$ and the argument number will not be printed. C$ VALUE.........SUBROUTINE name. C$ C$ This routine may be SYSTEM-DEPENDENT. It is the intention C$ that "VALUE" contain the memory address of a SUBROUTINE or C$ FUNCTION. On many systems, the argument-passing C$ conventions are such that if "VALUE" is received as an C$ INTEGER, it will contain the desired address. C$ (18-SEP-82)
SUBROUTINE ERRAT (NAME,NARG,VALUE,N) C$ (Error - Argument TEXT) C$ Print an invalid argument: C$ NAME..........6-character argument name. C$ NARG..........Argument number. If NARG .LE. 0, the value C$ passed is not an argument, but a variable, C$ and the argument number will not be printed. C$ VALUE(N)......Hollerith character text. C$ N.............Number of characters in VALUE(*). C$ (11-SEP-85)
SUBROUTINE ERRCB (RTNAME, ZNAME,Z, MXNAME,MX, MYNAME,MY, X NXNAME,NX, NYNAME,NY, ERROR) C$ (Check Bounds) C$ Verify that an array dimensioned Z(MX,MY) contains a valid C$ cross-section Z(NX,NY), and that the dimensions are C$ positive numbers. The arguments are: C$ C$ RTNAME(*)......6-character calling routine name. C$ ZNAME(*).......6-character array name. C$ Z(*,*).........Array. C$ MXNAME(*)......6-character row dimension name. C$ MX.............Row dimension. C$ MYNAME(*)......6-character column dimension name. C$ MY.............Column dimension. C$ NXNAME(*)......6-character rows used name. C$ NX.............Number of rows used. C$ NYNAME(*)......6-character columns used name. C$ NY.............Number of columns used. C$ ERROR.......... .TRUE. - Invalid dimensions. C$ .FALSE. - Dimensions OK. C$ C$ If an error occurs, error messages giving the bad data will C$ be issued, and ERRCK will be called before return. C$ (30-JAN-82)
SUBROUTINE ERRCK C$ (Error Check) C$ Check to see if the user-specified error limit has been C$ specified, and if so, terminate execution. C$ (12-JAN-82)
SUBROUTINE ERRCR (RTNAME, Z1NAME,Z1, ZNAME,Z, Z2NAME,Z2, ERROR) C$ (Check Range) C$ Given an array Z(*,*) and a range (Z1,Z2), verify that the C$ range is valid. Error messages giving the invalid values C$ will be issued in the event of an error, and ERRCK will be C$ called before return. The arguments are: C$ C$ RTNAME(*)......6-character calling routine name. C$ Z1NAME(*)......6-character name of Z1. C$ Z1.............Minimum Z value. C$ ZNAME(*).......6-character name of Z(*,*). C$ Z..............Z(*,*) array. C$ Z2NAME(*)......6-character name of Z2. C$ Z2.............Maximum Z value. C$ ERROR.......... .TRUE. - Invalid range. C$ .FALSE. - Range OK. C$ C$ (12-JAN-82)
SUBROUTINE ERRES C$ (Error Summary) C$ Print a summary of any errors which may have occurred. C$ (12-JAN-82)
SUBROUTINE ERRIN (NPRINT,NERROR,MXPRT,MXERR) C$ (Error Initialization) C$ Initialize error handling. The arguments are: C$ NPRINT....Standard print unit number (a zero value C$ suppresses output). C$ NERROR....Standard error unit number (a zero value C$ suppresses output). C$ MXPRT.....Maximum number of error messages to print. A C$ zero value suppresses printing, and a negative C$ value permits an unlimited number of messages. C$ MXERR.....Maximum number of errors to permit before C$ unconditionally terminating execution. MXERR C$ .LE. 0 disables this option. C$ (26-AUG-82)
SUBROUTINE ERRMS (NAME,LEVEL,MESAGE,N) C$ (Error Message) C$ Print an error message: C$ NAME..........6-character routine name. C$ LEVEL.........Severity level (0,4,8,12,16). C$ MESAGE(*).....Hollerith character text. C$ N.............Number of characters in MESAGE(*). C$ (11-SEP-85)
SUBROUTINE ERRTR C$ (Error Traceback) C$ If the host computer supports the facility, give a C$ subroutine traceback. Otherwise this routine is a dummy. C$ (12-JAN-82)
SUBROUTINE ERRTRA (NERR) C$ (Error Traceback) C$ Give a subroutine traceback on the unit defined by 'NERR'. C$ This version is a dummy for Unix. C$ (21-AUG-84)