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SUBROUTINE FITBV (LX,LY, X,Y,Z, NROWZ,N, U,V,W, IERROR) C$ (Bivariate Interpolation) C$ This subroutine interpolates, from values of the function C$ given at input grid points in an X-Y plane and for a given C$ set of points in the plane, the values of a single-valued C$ bivariate function Z = Z(X,Y). This function should be C$ used if a single point, or a single curve, in the X-Y plane C$ is to be generated. For a full surface, use SUBROUTINE C$ FITSF. The method is based on a piece-wise function C$ composed of a set of bicubic polynomials in X and Y. Each C$ polynomial is applicable to a rectangle of the input grid C$ in the X-Y plane. Each polynomial is determined locally. C$ C$ The input arguments are: C$ C$ LX = Number of input grid points in the X coordinate C$ (must be 2 or greater) C$ X = Array of dimension LX storing the X coordinates C$ of input grid points (in ascending order) C$ Y = Array of dimension LY storing the Y coordinates C$ of input grid points (in ascending order) C$ Z = Doubly-dimensioned array of dimension (NROWZ,LY) C$ storing the values of the function (Z values) C$ at input grid points C$ N = Number of points at which interpolation of the C$ Z value is desired (must be 1 or greater) C$ U = Array of dimension N storing the X coordinates C$ of desired points C$ v = array of dimension n storing the y coordinates C$ of desired points C$ C$ The output arguments are: C$ C$ W = Array of dimension N where the interpolated Z values C$ at desired points are to be displayed C$ IERROR = 0 (Normal return) C$ = +1 (Abnormal return. A message will be printed C$ giving all the arguments, and nothing more C$ will be done) C$ C$ Some variables internally used are: C$ C$ ZA = Divided difference of Z with respect to X C$ ZB = Divided difference of Z with respect to Y C$ ZAB = Second order divided difference of Z with C$ respect to X and Y C$ ZX = Partial derivative of Z with respect to X C$ ZY = Partial derivative of Z with respect to Y C$ ZXY = Second order partial derivative of Z with C$ respect to X and Y C$ C$ Author: Hiroshi Akima, "Bivariate Interpolation and Smooth C$ Surface Fitting Based on Local Procedures", C$ Algorithm 474, Comm. A.C.M. 17, 18-20 (1974). C$ C$ ***WARNING*** This routine contains non-standard C$ equivalencing of INTEGER variables with C$ elements of REAL arrays and may pose problems C$ on certain computers. C$ C$ (09-OCT-84)