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REAL FUNCTION FITTSV (X,Y,DEFIND,P,N,ITR,NTR,GRAD) C$ (Triangulate - Surface Value) C$ Once FITTTR and FITTGR have been called to parametrize the C$ surface, this function may be invoked as often as required C$ to evaluate the piecewise-defined surface. The arguments C$ are: C$ C$ X,Y...............Coordinates of a point at which C$ interpolation is desired. C$ DEFIND............ .TRUE. - (X,Y) is inside convex hull and C$ function value is defined. C$ .FALSE. - (X,Y) outside convex hull and C$ function value is undefined. C$ A zero value is returned in this C$ case. C$ P(3,N)............(X,Y,Z) coordinates of surface data points. C$ N.................number of data points. C$ ITR(6,NTR)........triangle parameters. C$ NTR...............number of triangles. C$ GRAD(2,N).........X and Y gradients at each data point. C$ C$ (03-APR-82)