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SUBROUTINE FITVTA (NDP, XD, YD, NT, IPT, NL, IPL, IWL, IWP, WK, X IERROR) C$ (ALG526 - Internal Triangulation) C$ This subroutine performs triangulation. It divides the X-Y C$ plane into a number of triangles according to given data C$ points in the plane, determines line segments that form the C$ border of data area, and determines the triangle numbers C$ corresponding to the border line segments. At completion, C$ point numbers of the vertexes of each triangle are listed C$ counter-clockwise. Point numbers of the end points of each C$ border line segment are listed counter-clockwise, listing C$ order of the line segments being counter-clockwise. This C$ subroutine calls the FITVXC function. C$ C$ The input parameters are: C$ C$ NDP............Number of data points (must be 4 or greater), C$ XD(*)..........Array of dimension NDP containing the X C$ coordinates of the data points, C$ YD(*)..........Array of dimension NDP containing the Y C$ coordinates of the data points, C$ C$ The output parameters are: C$ C$ NT.............Number of triangles, C$ IPT(*).........INTEGER array of dimension 6*NDP-15, where C$ the point numbers of the vertexes of the C$ (IT)th triangle are to be stored as the C$ (3*IT-2)nd, (3*IT-1)st, and (3*IT)th C$ elements, IT=1,2,...,NT, C$ NL.............Number of border line segments, C$ IPL(*).........INTEGER array of dimension 6*NDP, where the C$ point numbers of the end points of the C$ (IL)th border line segment and its C$ respective triangle number are to be stored C$ as the (3*IL-2)nd, (3*IL-1)st, and (3*IL)th C$ elements, IL=1,2,..., NL. C$ IERROR.........0 (Normal return) C$ 1 (Abnormal return. a message will be C$ printed giving all the arguments, and C$ nothing more will be done) C$ C$ The other parameters are: C$ C$ IWL(*).........INTEGER array of dimension 18*NDP used C$ internally as a work area, C$ IWP(*).........INTEGER array of dimension NDP used C$ internally as a work area, C$ WK(*)..........REAL array of dimension NDP used internally C$ as a work area. C$ C$ (03-APR-82)