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SUBROUTINE HIDSV (FU, MP,MT, NP,NT, S, T, PR2, PL2) C$ (Spherical View) C$ Produce a perspective drawing of a single-valued function C$ defined over a spherical surface, so as to exhibit the arcs C$ of latitude and longitude. The arguments are: C$ C$ (MP,MT)........Actual declared dimensions of FU(*,*) C$ FU(NP,NT)......Array of function values C$ NP.............Number (=2*N) of points on one latitude C$ S..............S=1, graph FU positive. S=-1, graph FU C$ negative C$ NT.............Number of points on one longitude C$ T(3,3).........Orthogonal rotation matrix C$ PR2............2-D projection subroutine, usually VISSP. C$ PL2............2-D pen movement subroutine, usually PL2PO. C$ C$ (04-FEB-82)