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SUBROUTINE HLPCIF C$ (Help Internal - Change INFO File) C$ When a zero RECPOS(NODE) entry is found, the menu item is C$ not present in the current file, but contains a pointer to C$ another one having one of the forms C$ C$ * menu-item-name: (filename) C$ * menu-item-name: (filename). comment C$ * menu-item-name: (filename)nodename C$ * menu-item-name: (filename)nodename. comment C$ C$ To handle this easily, reconstruct a command in ANSWER(*) C$ that looks like C$ C$ G(filename)nodename C$ C$ and use the code for the Goto command. C$ C$ FOUND is set .FALSE. on return and a message is issued if C$ the file change failed. C$ (01-OCT-85)