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 C$    (Help Internal - Keyword Command)
 C$    Handle a keyword command.   ANSWER(*) contains the  keyword
 C$    string(s) to be searched for.  The INFO file is searched in
 C$    the current  direction  for  the  next  occurrence  of  the
 C$    keyword(s), and parameters are set to position that line in
 C$    the center of the next screen display.
 C$    If a sophisticated screen display package where  available,
 C$    it would be desirable to highlight the matching string, and
 C$    any further  occurrences  of  the keyword  on  the  current
 C$    display.
 C$    For this  version,  no  such facilities  are  used,  and  a
 C$    subsequent keyword search will begin at the line  preceding
 C$    or following the current  screen display.  With  relatively
 C$    small screen images (e.g. 20  lines or so), it is  normally
 C$    no problem for the user to locate interesting keywords, and
 C$    redisplay of lines from the current screen on a  subsequent
 C$    search would prove more of an irritation than a help.
 C$    (01-OCT-85)