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      X     ZWCMAX)
 C$    (Inquire Box Visibility)
 C$    Given the world coordinate extents of a 3-D box,  determine
 C$    the box visibility in  the current viewport.  The  function
 C$    value returned is .FALSE. if the box is entirely invisible,
 C$    and .TRUE. if some or all  of it is visible in the  current
 C$    viewport.  Clipping  is  performed only  according  to  the
 C$    window,  back  plane,  and  front  plane  clipping  options
 C$    currently in effect, and  is suppressed for any  coordinate
 C$    whose box range  is not  larger than zero.
 C$    If a clipping option is disabled for x or y, the visibility
 C$    test is made against the  unit NDC coordinate range on  the
 C$    grounds that any object entirely  out of unit NDC space  is
 C$    invisible on any display  device.  Clipping may be  totally
 C$    disabled for  the z  (depth)  coordinate, since  a  display
 C$    device  may  choose  to   ignore  out-of-range  z   values,
 C$    resulting in  a  visible image.   If  only a  box  edge  is
 C$    coincident  with  the  viewport,  the  box  is   considered
 C$    invisible, and .FALSE.  is returned.
 C$    This function is  primarily useful  for polygon,  polyline,
 C$    polymarker, and filling  primitives which can  pass it  the
 C$    world  coordinates  of  the   bounding  box,  and   quickly
 C$    determine whether a more detailed clip or fill is in order.
 C$    The required conversion of world coordinates to  normalized
 C$    device space  coordinates and  tests against  the  viewport
 C$    limits can  then  be  localized  entirely  in  this  single
 C$    routine.
 C$    (06-APR-83)