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SUBROUTINE INQCI (INDEKS,C1,C2,C3) C$ (Inquire Color Index) C$ Return for the entry "INDEKS" in the color table a triple C$ of floating-point numbers, (C1,C2,C3), in the range C$ 0.0..1.0 representing (Red, Green, Blue) or (Hue, C$ Lightness, Saturation), depending upon the color model C$ currently in effect. "INDEKS" should be in the range C$ 8..255, since color indices 0..7 are predefined. However, C$ requests with INDEKS in the range 0..7 will be honored with C$ the return of the predefined values (see routine SETCO for C$ a list of them). C$ (11-SEP-85)