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SUBROUTINE INQPIS (STYLE) C$ (Inquire Polygon Interior Style) C$ Return the current polygon interior style in the INTEGER C$ argument: C$ C$ STYLE............1 - "Plain" (default). The polygon C$ interior may be empty or filled with a C$ line pattern or solid color as C$ selected by routines SETPFI or SETPCI. C$ 2 - "Shaded". The polygon interior is C$ shaded by blending the colors at each C$ of the vertices as selected by SETPVI. C$ 3 - "Patterned". The polygon interior is C$ filled with a pixel pattern array as C$ selected by SETPPA. C$ C$ Shaded and pattered polygons are possible only on rather C$ expensive color raster CRT displays, and will be C$ unavailable at most installations. C$ (04-FEB-82)