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SUBROUTINE INQTSS (UC,LC,OVER,IFONT) C$ (Inquire Text Switch Select) C$ Return the text switch selectors for the current font. UC, C$ LC, and OVER must be INTEGER arrays to hold a single C$ Hollerith character each, and the strings returned will be C$ blank padded to a host fullword boundary. UC and LC are C$ the characters for switching from lower to upper-case, and C$ upper- to lower-case, respectively, and OVER is the C$ character for overstriking the last character position. A C$ blank value will be returned for any of these which are not C$ set. C$ C$ Since multiple fonts can be in effect at one time, the C$ INTEGER argument IFONT selects the one for which the C$ inquiry is made. IFONT = 1 selects the current font, IFONT C$ = 2 the previous one, and so on. If IFONT is out of the C$ range 1..(maximum number of fonts currently selected), UC, C$ LC, and OVER will be set to the blank strings. C$ (06-SEP-82)