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 C$    (Matrix Inverse)
 C$    Return in TINV(4,4) the matrix inverse of T(4,4).  If T  is
 C$    singular, ERROR will be set .TRUE., and TINV will be set to
 C$    a unit matrix.   If desired,  TINV and  T may  be the  same
 C$    matrix in the calling program.  If this is not the case,  T
 C$    will be unmodified on return.
 C$    The inverse is  computed using the  LINPACK routines  SGEFA
 C$    and  SGEDI.   The  error  flag  is  set  **ONLY**  if   the
 C$    factorization produces a zero diagonal element.  Otherwise,
 C$    an inverse is returned,  even though the determinant  might
 C$    in fact be zero (by underflow) if it were evaluated.
 C$    (03-APR-82)