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SUBROUTINE MATXSD (NPRINT,NLEVEL) C$ (Transform -- Set Debug) C$ Select or deselect debug printing in the MATXxx() family. C$ The arguments are: C$ C$ NPRINT..............Fortran unit number for debug printing. C$ NLEVEL..............An integer value whose bits encode C$ printing requests as follows: C$ 0 - no debug printing C$ 1 - print transformation of unit cube C$ 2 - print new current transformation C$ matrix. C$ 4 - print old current transformation C$ matrix. C$ 8 - print transformation matrix of C$ selected operation (rotate, C$ translate, scale, shear, etc.). C$ Non-zero values may be added to obtain C$ multiple print options. Out-of-range C$ values will be treated as the nearest C$ end point of the interval 0..15 C$ (08-FEB-90)