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SUBROUTINE PLTID C$ (Draw and Print Standard Plot Header) C$ This routine constructs a plot header of the form C$ C$ < P L O T 7 9 > Release 2.4 DD-MMM-YY HH.MM.SS C$ C$ and draws it centered along the bottom margin (X-axis) of C$ the current viewport. Upper and lower case lettering will C$ be used, and the header will also be printed on the C$ standard print output device. This localizes the header C$ construction for all label routines in the system. C$ C$ The coding is arranged to be independent of the number of C$ characters/word. The current font is used for the symbols, C$ and it is assumed that "<" and ">" are the upper- and C$ lower-case switch characters, respectively. C$ (15-Feb-1991)