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 C$    (Extended Label in Specified Half Frame)
 C$    Draw a plot  label assuming a  standard horizontal page  of
 C$    the standard  paper size.   PLTHF or  PLTHB may  be  called
 C$    either  before  or  after  this  routine  to  establish   a
 C$    half-frame viewport for subsequent plotting.  The arguments
 C$    are:
 C$    LABEL(*).......Hollerith character string to be drawn.
 C$    LENGTH.........Number of characters in LABEL(*).   Trailing
 C$                   blanks will be  ignored for the  purposes of
 C$                   centering.
 C$    TOP............ .TRUE. - Label in top margin.
 C$                   .FALSE. - Label in bottom margin.
 C$    CENTER......... .TRUE. - Center label in margin.
 C$                   .FALSE. - Left-adjust label in margin.
 C$    WHERE(*).......Hollerith string, "LEFT", "RIGHT", "TOP", or
 C$                   "BOTTOM",  selecting  half-frame   viewport.
 C$                   Only the first character is significant, and
 C$                   it may be either lower-case or upper-case.
 C$    (07-JUN-85)