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 C$    (Parse - Append String)
 C$    Append a string  to a target  string, updating its  length,
 C$    but without allowing it to exceed a specified maximum.  The
 C$    arguments are:
 C$    TARGET(*)......Packed Hollerith target string.
 C$    LENTAR.........Current  length  of  TARGET(*).   The source
 C$                   string  will   be  appended   beginning   at
 C$                   position  LENTAR+1,  and   LENTAR  will   be
 C$                   updated on return to the new current length.
 C$    MAXTAR.........Maximum length of string in TARGET(*).
 C$    SOURCE(*)......Packed Hollerith source string.
 C$    LOCSRC.........Starting position in source string.
 C$    LENSRC.........Number of characters from SOURCE(*) to
 C$                   append to TARGET(*).
 C$    (26-AUG-83)