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      X     LENDEF, OPTION)
 C$    (Parse - Daytime)
 C$    Parse a daytime  (date and/or  time) field,  leaving it  in
 C$    COMMON.  The arguments are:
 C$    STATUS.........Parsing status  value (and  function  value)
 C$                   returned;  one  of   EOF,  NOPABT,   NOPHLP,
 C$                   NOPIDT,  NOPIFL,   NOPNUL,   NOPUNK,   OKAY,
 C$                   OVRFLO, or REPARS.  The help return, NOPHLP,
 C$                   is only given if an alternative parse is  in
 C$                   progress.   Otherwise,  this  routine  loops
 C$                   until the  user  completes the  input  field
 C$                   with   something   other   than   the   help
 C$                   character.
 C$    STDHMS......... .TRUE. - issue standard help message.
 C$                   .FALSE. - suppress standard help message.
 C$    HLPSTR(*)......Packed Hollerith help string.
 C$    LENHLP.........Length of HLPSTR(*).
 C$    DEFSTR(*)......Packed Hollerith default value string.
 C$    LENDEF.........Length of DEFSTR(*).
 C$    OPTION.........Integer option code.   Set to one or more of
 C$                   (DATE,TIME).  Add option codes if more  than
 C$                   one is required.
 C$    A legal date field is
 C$    <pos-int-day><-><monthname><-><pos-int-year>
 C$    where the  number of  days must  be correct  for the  given
 C$    month (allowing for leap years  every four years except  in
 C$    century years), and the monthname may be abbreviated to any
 C$    unique prefix.  If the year is in the range 0..99, 1900  is
 C$    automatically added to it, unless at least three digits are
 C$    specified to  force  a  date in  the  first  century  (e.g.
 C$    1-Jan-0003).  On a successful parse, STRVAL(*) contains the
 C$    input date  string,  and INTVAL(1)..INTVAL(5)  contain  the
 C$    year (0..MAXINT), month (1..12), day (1..31), weekday (1..7
 C$    for  Sunday..Saturday),   and   day   of   year   (1..366),
 C$    respectively.  The latter two are correct only if the  date
 C$    is one in the Gregorian calendar (after October 15, 1582 in
 C$    the Catholic world, after September 14, 1752 in England and
 C$    its colonies, after 1917 in the Soviet Union).
 C$    A legal time field is
 C$    <pos-int-hh><:><pos-int-mm>[<:><pos-int-ss>]
 C$    where hh is in the range 0..23, and mm and ss in 0..59.  An
 C$    omitted ss defaults to 0.  On a successful parse, STRVAL(*)
 C$    contains the input time string (possibly preceded by a date
 C$    string   separated    from   it    by   a    blank),    and
 C$    INTVAL(6)..INTVAL(8) contain hh, mm, and ss respectively.
 C$    The  weekday  algorithm   is  taken   from  the   Collected
 C$    Algorithms of the  ACM, Algorithm 398,  Richard A.   Stone,
 C$    "Tableless Date Conversion", (October, 1970).
 C$    (10-OCT-84)