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      X     DEFSTR,LENDEF)
 C$    (Parse Internal - Get Token)
 C$    Isolate the  next  input token,  using  the break  mask  to
 C$    terminate the  scan.   The token  is  stored in  COMMON  in
 C$    STRVAL(*) beginning at LENSTR +  1, with LENSTR updated  on
 C$    return to point to the last character entered in STRVAL(*).
 C$    A quoting character always makes the following character  a
 C$    non-break character, and  is not  returned as  part of  the
 C$    token.
 C$    On return,  the  input is  positioned  to return  the  next
 C$    character following the collected token, INDEPENDENT of the
 C$    STATUS value.  The arguments are:
 C$    STATUS.........Parsing status value (and  function  value),
 C$                   one of EOF, NOPABT, NOPHLP, NOPIFL,  NOPNUL,
 C$                   OKAY, OVRFLO, or REPARS.
 C$    FLUSH.......... .TRUE. - Call PRSFLU to flush  white  space
 C$                             and comments before the  token  is
 C$                             collected.
 C$                   .FALSE. - Collect token  beginning  with the
 C$                             next   character    returned    by
 C$                             PRSGET.
 C$    BREAK(*).......Break masks indexed by (ASCII ordinal + 1).
 C$    STDHMS......... .TRUE. - Issue standard help message in
 C$                             response to a help request.
 C$                   .FALSE. - Suppress standard help.
 C$    HLPSTR(*)......Packed Hollerith user help string.
 C$    LENHLP.........Number of  characters  in  HLPSTR(*)  (0  to
 C$                   suppress).
 C$    DEFSTR(*)......Packed Hollerith default value string.
 C$    LENDEF.........Number of  characters  in  DEFSTR(*)  (0  to
 C$                   suppress).
 C$    (25-APR-84)