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SUBROUTINE PRSTYT (LINESP,STRING,LENGTH) C$ (Parse - Type with Translation) C$ Occasionally, it may be necessary to type strings C$ containing ASCII control characters which are to be C$ displayed in printable form with their normal meaning C$ suppressed. This routine acts as a filter to PRSTYP, C$ changing control characters 0..31 to <CTL-@> .. <CTL-_>, C$ except for BS, CR, ESC, HT, and LF which are typed as C$ <BackSpace>, <CarriageReturn>, <ESCape>, <TAB>, and C$ <LineFeed>, and DELete (127) which is typed as <DELete>. C$ These names correspond to the ones on a standard ASCII C$ keyboard. Although some of these characters may not have a C$ representation in a non-ASCII host character set, this C$ routine should never be called in a context where such C$ characters may be present. C$ (10-NOV-82)