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SUBROUTINE PVIIV (Z1,ZE,Z2, MX,MY, NX,NY, RO,TI, S, PL2) C$ (Inclined View) C$ The surface may be tilted in the direction of the observer C$ and then rotated about a vertical axis before generating a C$ hidden line view. Tilt is zero when seen directly C$ overhead, 90 degrees when seen directly from the ground. C$ Positive tilt is toward the observer, negative tilt away C$ from him. The angle of rotation is zero when the Y-axis C$ runs directly away from the observer, and is positive when C$ the positive X-axis moves toward him. The arguments are: C$ C$ (MX,MY)........Actual declared dimensions of ZE(*,*). C$ ZE(NX,NY)......Array of function values. C$ (Z1,Z2)........Span of Z values. C$ RO,TI..........Angles of rotation and tilt, in degrees. C$ S.............. = 1.0, graph positive; = -1.0, graph C$ negative part. C$ PL2............2-D pen movement subroutine, usually PL2CA C$ (09-APR-82)