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SUBROUTINE SETPN (PEN) C$ (Set Pen Number) C$ Select an integer pen number in the range 0..(device C$ limit). The default is PEN = 1, for which the current C$ values of color, linewidth, linestyle, and intensity take C$ effect. The meaning of a pen number will usually depend C$ upon prior agreement with the plotter operator. C$ C$ For devices that provide color but do not really have pens, C$ the concept of a pen is still useful. The convention C$ adopted by the device driver libraries is that a pen number C$ in 0 .. 255 is equivalent to a CORE standard color with the C$ same number: C$ C$ Index Color (R G B) C$ ===== ===== ======= C$ 0 Black (0 0 0), or device default C$ 1 Red (1 0 0) C$ 2 Green (0 1 0) C$ 3 Yellow (1 1 0) C$ 4 Blue (0 0 1) C$ 5 Magenta (1 0 1) C$ 6 Cyan (0 1 1) C$ 7 White (1 1 1), or complement of C$ the default. C$ 8..255 Index into the device-dependent C$ color table. C$ C$ Pen 0 is therefore the background color, and could be used C$ for erasing on devices that support that operation. C$ C$ Pen numbers in the range 256 .. 9999 are taken modulo 7, C$ plus 1, so they map onto standard foreground colors 1..7. C$ C$ Larger pen numbers encode in their digits hue, lightness, C$ and saturation as hhhllss, with hhh in 1..360, ll in 0..99, C$ and ss in 0..99. Some representative colors chosen this C$ way are: C$ C$ color H L S COLOR C$ ============ === == === ======= C$ light grey 0 75 0 17500 C$ medium grey 0 50 0 15000 C$ dark grey 0 25 0 12500 C$ dark blue 0 50 100 15099 C$ dark green 240 25 25 2402525 C$ firebrick 120 35 60 1203560 C$ gold 150 50 60 1505060 C$ maroon 80 35 60 803560 C$ pink 120 65 25 1206525 C$ sienna 160 35 60 1603560 C$ tan 140 65 60 1406560 C$ ============ === == === ======= C$ C$ (09-Jan-1991)