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 C$    (Select Font)
 C$    Select  one  of  the  Hershey  fonts  for  subsequent  text
 C$    plotting.  Up to five fonts may  be in effect at one  time.
 C$    The last selected is  the default one.   If more than  five
 C$    fonts are requested, the sixth will replace the first,  the
 C$    seventh the second, and  so on in  a cyclic fashion.   This
 C$    restriction  is  purely  dimensional,  and  may  easily  be
 C$    changed  if  required.   The  case  switch  characters  are
 C$    initialized to  "<"  and  ">"  for  to-upper  and  to-lower
 C$    respectively.    The   backspace   character   switch    is
 C$    initialized to 0, suppressing the backspace facility.   The
 C$    arguments are:
 C$    FONT(*).....5-character string selecting font (see below).
 C$    SWCHAR(*)...Single  character (e.g. 1H=)  used  as a switch
 C$                character to return to this font from  another.
 C$                It will be interpreted as a switch character if
 C$                it occurs only  once.  However, two  successive
 C$                switch characters  for a  single font  will  be
 C$                collapsed to a single character and will not be
 C$                interpreted as a font switch.  A blank or  zero
 C$                value indicates  that  no switch  character  is
 C$                selected.
 C$    The fonts are selected by  a five-character string made  up
 C$    of a  2-character case  specification, a  2-character  type
 C$    specification, and a 1-character variant specification,  as
 C$    follows:
 C$    Case: UC - Upper Case
 C$          LC - Lower Case
 C$    Type: KR - Cartographic Roman (9)
 C$          KG - Cartographic Greek (9)
 C$          IR - Indexical Roman (13)
 C$          II - Indexical Roman Italic (13)
 C$          IG - Indexical Greek (13)
 C$          SA - Simplex ASCII (15)
 C$          BA - Block ASCII (15)
 C$          SR - Simplex Roman (21)
 C$          SS - Simplex Roman Script (21)
 C$          SG - Simplex Greek (21)
 C$          CR - Complex Normal Roman (21)
 C$          CI - Complex Normal Roman Italic (21)
 C$          CG - Complex Normal Greek (21)
 C$          CS - Complex Script (21)
 C$          DR - Duplex Roman (21)
 C$          TR - Triplex Roman (21)
 C$          GE - Gothic English (21)
 C$          GI - Gothic Italian (21)
 C$          GG - Gothic German (21)
 C$          CC - Complex Cyrillic (21)
 C$    Variant: 1 - Principal
 C$             2 - Secondary
 C$             3 - Tertiary
 C$             4 - Quaternary
 C$    Selector letters may be  either upper- or lower-case.   The
 C$    case specification is arranged  such that if upper-case  is
 C$    requested, upper-case text will be mapped into  upper-case,
 C$    and  lower-case   into   lower-case.   If   lower-case   is
 C$    requested, both upper-  and lower-case  letters are  mapped
 C$    into lower case.  The four  variants are provided to  allow
 C$    representation of  special  characters within  the  limited
 C$    FORTRAN set.  The Gothic and  Cyrillic fonts have only  two
 C$    variants available.  Requests for variants  3 or 4 will  be
 C$    reduced to  variant  2.   The ASCII  fonts  have  only  one
 C$    variant, and  requests for  variants  2, 3,  or 4  will  be
 C$    reduced to variant 1.
 C$    The numbers (9),  (13), (15), and  (21) following the  type
 C$    indicate the height of the characters in raster units.  The
 C$    spacing between lines of text is conventionally measured by
 C$    the printer's  unit  "em",  giving the  distance  from  the
 C$    bottom of one line of type to the bottom of the next  line.
 C$    It should be  21 raster  units for indexical  size, and  32
 C$    raster units for normal size.
 C$    If any of the three parts  of the font specification is  in
 C$    error, a message  will be  issued, and a  default for  that
 C$    part will be assumed.  The default corresponds to  "UCTR1".
 C$    (01-APR-83)