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 C$    (Extract Digitization)
 C$    Return the digitization coordinates of a Hershey character.
 C$    Each character  is  built  up  on  a  grid  with  X  and  Y
 C$    coordinates in the range (-49,49), with the origin (0,0) at
 C$    the center  of the  character.   The coordinate  system  is
 C$    right-handed, with X positive to the right, and Y  positive
 C$    upward.  Characters  are  drawn  with  their  tops  upward,
 C$    towards positive y values.  The arguments are:
 C$    NUMBER......Hershey symbol number in range (1..3926).
 C$    XYGRID(*)...Height range, width range, and pairs of (X,Y)
 C$                coordinates   returned.     Height   range    =
 C$                (XYGRID(1),   XYGRID(3)).    Width   range    =
 C$                (XYGRID(4),XYGRID(5)).          (X,Y)         =
 C$                (XYGRID(K),XYGRID(K+1)) (K=6,8,...).
 C$    UNUSED...... .TRUE. - Unused symbol number provided.  A
 C$                          character of normal  height and  zero
 C$                          width is returned.
 C$                .FALSE. - Valid symbol number.
 C$    The height range consists of 3 values: (minimum Y, baseline
 C$    Y, maximum  Y).   The first  is  reached by  descenders  on
 C$    lower-case g, p,  q, and y.   The second is  the bottom  of
 C$    upper-case letters.   The third  is the  top of  upper-case
 C$    letters.  A coordinate pair  (-64,0) requests a pen  raise,
 C$    and a pair (-64,-64) terminates the coordinate list.  It is
 C$    assumed that movement to the first coordinate position will
 C$    be  done  with  the  pen  raised  -  no  raise  command  is
 C$    explicitly included to do this.
 C$    (01-Mar-1991)