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INTEGER FUNCTION UTSMAK (ARG,FROM,DELIM,PAT,MAXPAT) C$ (MAKPAT - Make Pattern) C$ Make a pattern in PAT(*) from the Software Tools string C$ beginning at ARG(FROM), terminate at DELIM, or EOS, C$ whichever comes first. The pattern can be used for regular C$ expression pattern searches by UTSMAT. C$ C$ The array PAT(*) should be large enough to hold any pattern C$ string after expansion of character sequences. For C$ example, the regular expression "[A-Za-z0-9]*X[A-Z0-9]" C$ will require 26+26+10 entries for the first range, another C$ 26+10 for the second, and a dozen or so overhead entries. C$ C$ The function value on return will be the index of the last C$ character extracted from ARG(*) on success, or ERR if the C$ pattern in ARG(*) is in error, or PAT(*) is too small. INCLUDE,L (KP Credit) C$ (13-SEP-84)