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 C$    (Check Keys)
 C$    Given a list of keywords (ordered alphabetically  according
 C$    to the ASCII collating sequence) packed in KEYSTR(*) in the
 C$    form
 C$    *KEY1*KEY2*KEY3*...*KEYN
 C$    where the first character  is the key separator  character,
 C$    return the  locations, lengths,  and number  of keys.   The
 C$    separator character may  be any  character which  is not  a
 C$    keyword character.  The input arguments are:
 C$    KEYSTR(*)...........Packed keyword string.
 C$    LENSTR..............Number of characters in KEYSTR(*).
 C$    MAXKEY..............Dimension limit of PKEY(*) and LKEY(*).
 C$    The output arguments are:
 C$    PKEY(*).............Array of pointers  to the beginning  of
 C$                        the keys in KEYSTR(*).
 C$    LKEY(*).............Array  of  lengths   of  the  keys   in
 C$                        KEYSTR(*).
 C$    NKEY................Number of keys found in  KEYSTR(*), and
 C$                        number  of  entries   in  PKEY(*)   and
 C$                        LKEY(*).  If NKEY  > MAXKEY on  return,
 C$                        there was insufficient space in PKEY(*)
 C$                        and LKEY(*), but the array bounds  have
 C$                        not been exceeded.
 C$    The function value  is .TRUE.   if the  keys are  correctly
 C$    ordered in KEYSTR(*), and .FALSE. if they are out of order,
 C$    or if NKEY exceeds MAXKEY.  The alphabetical order MUST  be
 C$    correct for  a  binary search  by  FUNCTION UTTIK  to  work
 C$    successfully.
 C$    See the abstract of UTTIK for applications of this  routine
 C$    and a table of the ASCII character set.
 C$    (06-JAN-82)