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SUBROUTINE UTTEMS (UNITNO,ERRCDE,LOCERR,SOURCE,LOC,LENGTH) C$ (Expression Error Message) C$ Issue an error message when an expression parse fails. The C$ arguments are: C$ C$ UNITNO.........FORTRAN unit number for message output. C$ ERRCDE.........Error code returned by UTTEXP. C$ LOCERR.........Error position returned by UTTEXP. It will C$ point to the beginning of the last token C$ parsed. C$ SOURCE(*)......Packed Hollerith string containing C$ expression in error. C$ LOC............Starting position (1,2,3...) in SOURCE(*). C$ LENGTH.........Number of characters in SOURCE(*) (i.e. C$ positions LOC .. LOC+LENGTH-1 contain the C$ expression). C$ (26-APR-83)