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SUBROUTINE VISDC (Z1,ZE,Z2, MX,MY, NX,NY, S, NZ, US,VS, L, PL2) C$ (Diagonal Contoured Sequence) C$ Program to produce a hidden-line view of a surface, on C$ which are embedded contour lines. The arguments are: C$ C$ (MX,MY)........Actual declared dimensions of ZE(*,*). C$ ZE(NX,NY)......Array of function values. C$ (NX,NY)........Ranges of J and I. C$ (Z1,Z2)........Span of Z values. C$ S.............. = +1.0, plot positive part of function, = C$ -1.0, plot negative part of function. Only C$ the sign of S is significant. S = 0.0 plots C$ both positive and negative. C$ NZ.............Number of contour lines to be drawn. C$ US,VS..........Total shears in U and V directions (maximum C$ 1.0). C$ L..............Direction of view and increment (+: west, C$ -: east) C$ PL2............2-D pen movement subroutine, usually PL2CA. C$ C$ The algorithm used has a time proportional to NX*NY*NZ, so C$ that this routine is about NZ times slower than most of the C$ other horizon-based hidden-line routines. C$ (09-APR-82)