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SUBROUTINE VISES (Z1,ZE,Z2, X1,X2,NX, E1,E2,NE, L,M, PL2) C$ (Elliptical Sequence) C$ Make a hidden line view of a function defined in elliptic C$ cylinder coordinates. The arguments are: C$ C$ (Z1,Z2)........Range of ZE(*,*). C$ (X1,X2)........Range of XI. C$ (E1,E2)........Range of ETA. C$ NX.............Number of XI values. C$ NE.............Number of ETA values. C$ L..............Direction of view and increment (+: west, C$ -: east) C$ M..............Direction of view and increment (+: south, C$ -: north) C$ PL2............2-D pen movement subroutine, normally PL2CA C$ (09-APR-82)