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SUBROUTINE VISHH (X0, T0,B0, N0,N0MAX, X,Y,P, N1,N2, IDIR, PL2) C$ (Half Horizon) C$ Some of the hidden line subroutines employ more than one C$ horizon, which means that the arrays containing these C$ horizons must appear as explicit arguments in the updating C$ subroutines. Nevertheless, three of the arguments of VISBO C$ are nothing but working arrays which can still be removed C$ from the calling programs if they are placed in an C$ intermediate subroutine such as this one. The arguments C$ are: C$ C$ X0(N0).........Array of arguments for the horizon. C$ T0(N0).........Array of values of the upper horizon. C$ B0(N0).........Array of values of the lower horizon. C$ N0.............Current size of X0(*), T0(*), and B0(*). C$ NOMAX..........Maximum size of X0(*), T0(*), and B0(*). C$ X(N1:N2).......Array of arguments. C$ Y(N1:N2).......Array of function values. C$ P(N1:N2).......Array of visibility flags. C$ (N1,N2)........Upper and lower limits (in either order) of C$ X(*), Y(*), and P(*) currently in use. C$ IDIR...........Pen direction (1 = forward, -1 = backward). C$ PL2............2-D pen movement subroutine. C$ (10-AUG-89)