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SIZE devicesize | (xsize ysize)

 Default: SIZE 11 (when UNITS are INCHES) or SIZE 30 (when UNITS are CM)

 Define the plot frame size to be xsize units wide by ysize units  high.
 This  command  sets  the  CORE  NDC  space  extents  and   additionally
 establishes a  default viewport  just covering  the plot  frame, and  a
 default window  with  extents "0  xsize  0 ysize  0  0".  If  only  one
 parameter is given, a  square frame devicesize units  wide and high  is
 assumed.  The units are normally  inches, unless the UNITS command  has
 been given to change  them.  The default is  a vertical page frame  8.5
 inches wide by 11 inches high, corresponding to a vertical page in  the
 standard American paper  size.  When  this command is  given, any  open
 plot frame is closed.