Conformal Field Theory on Multiply Connected Domains


We build a conformal field theory on multiply connected domains out of correlation functions of the Gaussian free field. A key ingredient is the derivation of the generalized Eguchi-Ooguri equations, which allow us to derive an explicit form of Ward’s equations. Our version of the Ward equation relates the insertion of a stress tensor in the computation of a correlation function to the application of a Lie derivative to the correlation function, along with a differential operator that accounts for the change in the Teichmuller modular parameters. By applying an appropriate operator product expansion to the Ward equation, we also produce an infinite family of martingale observables for an associated SLE process on the multiply connected domain. Joint work with Sung-Soo Byun and Nam-Gyu Kang.

Dec 5, 2024 14:00 +0100 — 15:00 +0100
Institut Mittag-Leffler
Auravagen 17, SE-182 60, Djursholm,
Tom Alberts
Tom Alberts
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Utah
Sung-Soo Byun
Sung-Soo Byun
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Seoul National University