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SUBROUTINE FITIN (X, Y, L, U, V, N) C$ (Interpolation of a Single Function) C$ This subroutine interpolates, from values of the function C$ given as ordinates of input data points in an X-Y plane and C$ for a given set of X values (abscissas), the values of a C$ single-valued function Y = Y(X). C$ C$ The input arguments are: C$ C$ X = Array of dimension L storing the X values (abscissas) C$ of input data points (in ascending order) C$ Y = Array of dimension L storing the Y values (ordinates) C$ of input data points C$ L = Number of input data points (must be 2 or greater) C$ U = Array of dimension N storing the X values (abscissas) C$ of desired points C$ N = Number of points at which interpolation of the Y value C$ (ordinate) is desired (must be 1 or greater) C$ C$ The output argument is: C$ C$ V = Array of dimension N where the interpolated Y C$ values (ordinates) are to be displayed C$ C$ Author: Hiroshi Akima, "Interpolation and Smooth Curve C$ Fitting Based on Local Procedures", Comm. ACM 15, C$ 914-918 (1972), and "A New Method of Interpolation C$ and Smooth Curve Fitting Based on Local C$ Procedures", J. ACM 17, 589-602 (1970). C$ C$ Corrections: M.R. Andersen, "Remark on Algorithm 433", C$ ACM Trans. on Math. Software, 2, 208 (1976). C$ C$ Additional corrections: N.H.F. Beebe, "Remark on Algorithm C$ 433", ACM Trans. on Math. Software, C$ to be published (198x). C$ C$ This routine has been subjected to the University of C$ Colorado DAVE Global Data Flow Analysis System, and all C$ data paths leading to possible use of uninitialized C$ variables have been shown to be impossible paths. (N.H.F. C$ Beebe, University of Utah, 22-NOV-80) C$ (25-SEP-84)