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SUBROUTINE FITVPD (NDP, XD, YD, ZD, NCP, IPC, PD) C$ (ALG526 - Internal Partial Derivatives) C$ This subroutine estimates partial derivatives of the first C$ and second order at the data points. The input parameters C$ are: C$ C$ NDP............Number of data points, C$ XD(*), C$ YD(*), C$ ZD(*)..........Arrays of dimension NDP containing the X, C$ Y, and Z coordinates of the data points, C$ NCP............Number of additional data points used for C$ estimating partial derivatives at each data C$ point, C$ IPC(*).........INTEGER array of dimension NCP*NDP C$ containing the point numbers of NCP data C$ points closest to each of the NDP data C$ points. C$ C$ The output parameter is C$ C$ PD(*)..........Array of dimension 5*NDP, where the C$ estimated ZX, ZY, ZXX, ZXY, and ZYY values C$ at the data points are to be stored. C$ C$ (03-APR-82)