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SUBROUTINE FITVPT (XD, YD, ZD, NT, IPT, NL, IPL, PDD, ITI, X XII, YII, ZII) C$ (ALG526 - Internal Point Interpolation) C$ This subroutine performs punctual interpolation or C$ extrapolation, i.e., determines the Z value at a point. C$ The input parameters are: C$ C$ XD(*), C$ YD(*), C$ ZD(*)..........Arrays of dimension NDP containing the X, Y, C$ and Z coordinates of the data points, where C$ NDP is the number of the data points, C$ NT.............Number of triangles, C$ IPT............INTEGER array of dimension 3*NT containing C$ the point numbers of the vertexes of the C$ triangles, C$ NL ............Number of border line segments, C$ IPL............INTEGER array of dimension 3*NL containing C$ the point numbers of the end points of the C$ border line segments and their respective C$ triangle numbers, C$ PDD............Array of dimension 5*NDP containing the C$ partial derivatives at the data points, C$ ITI............Triangle number of the triangle in which C$ lies the point for which interpolation is to C$ be performed, C$ XII,YII........X and Y coordinates of the point for which C$ interpolation is to be performed. C$ C$ The output parameter is C$ C$ ZII............Interpolated Z value. C$ C$ This routine incorporates the corrections published in C$ Hiroshi Akima, "Remark on Algorithm 526", ACM Trans. Math. C$ Software 5, No. 2, 242-243 (June 1979), and in Albrecht C$ Preusser, "Remark on Algorithm 526", ACM Trans. Math. C$ Software 11, No. 2, 186-187 (1985). C$ C$ (02-AUG-85)