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       SUBROUTINE  GRFGA (X1,X,X2, Y1,Y,Y2, N, PL2)
 C$    (Graph Array)
 C$    Plot a  graph by  connecting the  data points  by  straight
 C$    lines.  The points  defining the graph  are taken from  two
 C$    arrays, one holding the  X-values and the other  containing
 C$    the Y-values.  The respective  scales are indicated by  the
 C$    values  to  be  assigned  to  the  margins  of  the  graph.
 C$    Ordinarily  the  margins  would  be  given  rounded  values
 C$    slightly larger than the extreme data values.  However, the
 C$    graph may be centered in  various ways by assigning one  or
 C$    more margins considerably larger values.  Likewise excerpts
 C$    from the graph may be  chosen by giving the margins  lesser
 C$    values than the extremes.
 C$    X1..........X lower limit
 C$    X(N)........Array of X values
 C$    X2..........X upper limit
 C$    Y1..........Y lower limit
 C$    Y(N)........Array of Y values
 C$    Y2..........Y upper limit
 C$    N...........Number of points
 C$    PL2.........2-D pen movement subroutine, usually PL2CA
 C$    For convenience  in  producing  graphs  with  falling  axis
 C$    scales, X1 may be larger than X2, and/or Y1 larger than Y2.
 C$    (08-JUL-80)