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SUBROUTINE GRFGD (X1,X,X2, Y1,Y,Y2, N, WORK, NINT, SIGMA, PL2) C$ (Graph Derivative with Tensioned Spline Interpolation) C$ Plot a graph by connecting interpolated values of the C$ derivative of the splined curve by straight lines. The C$ points defining the graph are taken from two arrays, one C$ holding the X-values and one holding the Y-values. The C$ respective scales are indicated by the values to be C$ assigned to the margins of the graph. C$ C$ Ordinarily, the margins would be given rounded values C$ slightly larger than the extreme data values. However, the C$ graph may be centered in various ways by assigning one or C$ more margins considerably larger values. Likewise, C$ excerpts from the graph may be chosen by giving the margins C$ lesser values than the extremes. The arguments are: C$ C$ X1..........X lower limit. C$ X(N)........Array of X values in ascending order with no C$ two values equal. This is necessary for the C$ spline interpolation. C$ X2..........X upper limit. C$ Y1..........Y lower limit. C$ Y(N)........Array of Y values. C$ Y2..........Y upper limit. C$ N...........Number of points. C$ WORK(N,3)...Scratch array. C$ NINT........Number of points to interpolate between X(1) C$ and X(N). C$ SIGMA.......Tensioned spline parameter (see FITC1 C$ comments). C$ PL2.........2-D pen movement subroutine, usually PL2CA. C$ C$ The derivative curve is determined by evaluating the C$ derivatives of the tensioned spline function at the input C$ data points, then resplining these to give an new C$ interpolant which is then plotted. This is more C$ satisfactory than plotting the derivative of the original C$ interpolant, because that function has a linear first C$ derivative and constant second derivative. The resplined C$ derivative has a quadratic first derivative and linear C$ second derivative. C$ (21-JAN-83)