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SUBROUTINE MATRA (T, PX,PY,PZ, DX,DY,DZ, ANGLE) C$ (Rotation About Arbitrary Axis) C$ Return in T(*,*) a 4-dimensional transformation matrix C$ corresponding to a rotation by "ANGLE" degrees about an C$ axis emerging from a point (PX,PY,PZ) and lying in the C$ direction given by the vector (DX,DY,DZ). If (DX,DY,DZ) is C$ specified as (0,0,0), an error message will be issued and a C$ unit matrix returned. A positive rotation angle C$ corresponds to a counterclockwise rotation about the axis. C$ C$ The algorithm is given by D.F. Rogers and J.A. Adams, C$ "Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics", Mcgraw-Hill C$ 1976, pp. 54-59. C$ (30-JAN-82)