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 C$    (Copy INTEGER Array)
 C$    This subroutine copies a source array into a target  array.
 C$    In order to permit overlapping source and target, the  copy
 C$    may  be  performed  in  forward  or  reverse  order.    The
 C$    arguments are:
 C$    TARGET(*)......Target array.
 C$    LENT...........Length of TARGET(*).
 C$    SOURCE(*)......Source array.
 C$    LENS...........Length of SOURCE(*).
 C$    LENGTH.........Absolute value indicates number of  elements
 C$                   to copy.  If positive,  the copy is  forward
 C$                   from the  lowest element,  and if  negative,
 C$                   backward from the  last element.  In  either
 C$                   case, the copy  will not go  out of  bounds,
 C$                   but instead will copy  the last source  word
 C$                   processed into several  words of the  target
 C$                   (if LENS  .LT.  LENGTH), or  several  source
 C$                   words into  the last  target word  processed
 C$                   (if LENT  .LT.  LENGTH).   This  allows  for
 C$                   example use for clearing  arrays to a  fixed
 C$                   value (LENS = 1).
 C$    Control will return immediately  without action if LENS  or
 C$    LENT is not positive.
 C$    (03-APR-82)