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 C$    (Code Floating-Point in Character Form)
 C$    This  subroutine   converts  a   floating-point  value   to
 C$    character form.  The arguments are:
 C$    FIELD(*).......Array to  contain the  characters  (1/word).
 C$                   If not large  enough, the leading  character
 C$                   will be a  *.  The converted  value will  be
 C$                   right-adjusted in the field.
 C$    FLNUM..........Floating-point number to be converted.
 C$    LENGTH.........Length of FIELD(*).
 C$    NDEC........... .GT. 0 - Use  E-type  format   with  "NDEC"
 C$                             figures after  the  decimal  point
 C$                             (e.g. sd.ddEsdd)
 C$                    .LE. 0 - Use F-type format with "IABS(NDEC)"
 C$                             figures after  the  decimal  point
 C$                             (e.g.  sddd.dd).  If NDEC = 0, the
 C$                             decimal point will be  suppressed.
 C$    NBASE..........Number base (between 2 and 16). The exponent
 C$                   character for NBASE = 10 is "E", and for any
 C$                   other value is "B".  If NBASE is not in  the
 C$                   range 2..16, the closer  of the two will  be
 C$                   assumed.
 C$    The exponent  field is  restricted to  two figures,  or  if
 C$    positive, three,  even though  for base  2 a  larger  value
 C$    might be desirable.
 C$    (11-SEP-85)